Thursday, March 3, 2011

Xoom for only $539?

Rumor on the internet has it that the 32 gig, wifi only version of the Motorola Xoom could be showing up for $539 at Sams Club. If this is true, it would stand to be even more of a competitor for the iPad 2. A 32 GB tablet (with a micro-sd slot for additional expansion) for around the same price as a 16 GB iPad is a big deal, especially when one of the iPad's focuses is low priced tablets. Many who would be purchasing the iPad 2 would have to consider switching costs (all those apps they already have and familiarity with the iPad interface) if they were to make the switch. On the other hand, this might be just the push that Motorola needed to convince on-the-fence shoppers to buy the Xoom.


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