Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Birds and Gravity

Recently, I was browsing the iPad App store and something strange caught my eye. The four top games all involve launching some kind of bird into either other birds or green pig things. These games are ranked as follows (keep in mind that this is out of all apps): 1. Angry Birds Rio HD, 4. Angry Birds HD, 6. Chicken Balls HD, and 7. Angry Birds Seasons HD.

Why didn't I ever get into the bird launching business?
Sadly however, there are many who have yet to embrace the furious flyers. As I type this, my girlfriend says to me, "It's what everybody does instead of listening in Chapel. I think that it is mindless." And while chapel is definitely not the place for Birds (or Words with Friends, as I have been guilty of on occasion) there are others who share her opinion. Stephen Colbert once Tweeted (ironic, no?), "Everyone keeps telling me how fun Angry Birds is, but I've been insulting my parakeet all week and he just seems hurt."

However, I believe that Angry Birds is great. I am addicted to virtual bird abuse, as are millions others.

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